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Accepted Paper:

A choice or an impossibility? Parents’ experiences of school absenteeism  
Maria Zackariasson (Södertörn University) Elisabeth Wollin (Södertörn University)

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Paper Short Abstract:

In this paper we will present our ongoing research project on how parents to children with school absenteeism experience the unwritten and sometimes hidden everyday practicalities and challenges connected to prolonged school absence, as well as their dialogue with schools and other authorities.

Paper Abstract:

School absenteeism has been described and perceived as a complex and growing problem, both in Sweden and internationally and research indicates that prolonged school absence often entails negative consequences for the individual as well as for the school and society at large (e.g. Ekstrand 2015, Gubbels et al 2019). It also has consequences for parents/guardians and everyday family life (e.g. Havik et al 2014, Myhill 2017), although these aspects have been less researched.

This paper starts from an ongoing research study on parental experiences of school absenteeism, based on qualitative interviews with parents of children with prolonged school absence. The presentation will focus on the unwritten and sometimes hidden everyday practicalities and challenges connected to school absenteeism, and the parents’ dialogue with schools and other authorities. The theoretical framework includes social citizenship and emotion theoretical perspectives (Lister 2007, Wetherell 2012).

Ekstrand, B. (2015). What it takes to keep children in school: A research review. Educational Review, 67(4), 459–482.

Gubbels, J., van der Put, C. & Assink, M. (2019). Risk factors for school absenteeism and dropout: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(9), 1637–1667.

Havik, T., Bru, E. & Ertesvåg, S. (2014). Parental perspectives of the role of school factors in school refusal. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 19(2), 131–153.

Lister, R. (2007) Inclusive Citizenship: realizing the potential, Citizenship Studies, vol. 11.

Myhill, A. (2017). Parents’ views of their involvement during extended school non-attendance. Cardiff.

Wetherell, Margaret. 2012. Affect and Emotion. A New Social Science Understanding. London.

Panel Know23
The unwritten and the hidden? Rewriting research on education and learning from a cultural perspective [WG: Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning]
  Session 2