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Accepted Paper:
Malleable human within a stagnant structure
Aet Annist
(University of Tartu and Tallinn University)
Paper Short Abstract:
This presentation focuses on the human capacity to demand change and to act upon this, and what kinds of obstacles become apparent once people do set out to move away from a failed or a failing system. How do we undo the structures that hold us captive, and rise to the occasion?
Paper Abstract:
There is plenty of evidence that human species is extremely malleable and ready for change, both archaeological and historic, as well as recent. We can easily switch between different ways of ordering our own daily life, and although changing the whole societal arrangement is considerably more difficult, we are still able to proceed with that. Why then are we faced with incredible obstacles where change is necessary, or even existential? This presentation will look at groups and individuals who have set out to change their own lives as well as the society, primarily different environmental and climate protest groups, and explore their experiences with personal change, their strive for pushing such change outwards, and where do they get stuck. I will explore whether part of the problem is human malleability itself, its capacity to get used to systems that cause harm, and to accept or become blind to change. Are there ways to make us more alert to dangers that tolerance to existing arrangements, losses and violences could bring? What role do those pushing for change, such as frictious protest groups, play in this?
Unleashing empathy: Challenging indifference and resignation towards the environment and the future
Session 1