SIEF Working Group on Place Wisdom
Katriina Siivonen
(University of Turku)
Stella Butter
(University of Koblenz-Landau)
Paper short abstract:
Description and activities of the SIEF WG Place Wisdom
Paper long abstract:
SIEF Working Group on Place Wisdom aims to establish a repository of multi-media, ethnographically-inflected records relating to understandings of place that contest conventional divisions between culture and nature. Members of 'Place Wisdom' have been working on themes "Waterscapes", "Scales of Home in Today's Europe", "Sacred Places/ Routes", and "Forestscape".
The research agenda of the working group is situated at the interface of human ecology, geography, anthropology, art, archaeology, performance studies, literature, linguistics, futures research and philosophy.
Poster presents activities, publications and plans of the WG in relation to the mentioned themes.
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