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Accepted Paper:

Wiccan rituals in the time of pandemics. How Witches decided to move on the Web.  
Joanna Lipinska (University of Warsaw)

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Paper short abstract:

Wicca is a religion of Witches, based on contact with nature, worshiping a God and a Goddess, and the use of magic. In the times of the pandemics Wiccans decided move many of their religious practices to the Internet. Does it work? Are rituals conducted on the Internet sufficient or of lesser value?

Paper long abstract:

Wicca, a western neopagan religion of Witches, is based on contact with nature, on worshiping a God and a Goddess, and the use of magic. Usually Wiccans meet in covens or bigger gatherings, among nature, to celebrate the festivals of the Wheel of the Year but this year everything is different. How to celebrate in a group when one is not allowed to meet with people outside of one’s bubble or cannot move freely for fear of their health and because of the restrictions?

Wiccans embraced the Web long time ago and are well connected and active Internet community. Faced with the restrictions caused by pandemics, many Wiccans quickly adapted to the new situation and decided to use the latest technologies in their ritual practices. With the use of webcams, social media and video communications they combine their traditions with the 21st century. Now not only one doesn’t have to leave home but can be hundreds of kilometres away and still participate in a ritual.

I conducted an anthropological research among Polish Wiccans in the years 2004-2006 and since 2015 I have been researching this movement in Poland and England. In my presentation I would like to show how British and Polish Wiccans find the ways to conduct their rituals in the times of Covid-19. What do they think of such a change? Do they consider rituals conducted with the use of Internet sufficient or of lesser value?

Panel Rel03
New agents, new agency: how to study "post-secular" religious ontologies
  Session 1 Thursday 24 June, 2021, -