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Accepted Paper:

‚Non-conventional healing‘ as a human journey, and manifestation of freedom: rethinking features of cultural identity in Lithuania since mid 90‘ies up to date  
Reda Šatūnienė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences)

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Paper short abstract:

Thesis will discuss contemporary non-conventional healing (self-care) practices as an individual human journey within frames of cultural identity, and will explore it‘s cultural character as manifestation of freedom, individuality and independence.

Paper long abstract:

After the Lithuania‘s retrievement of Independence (1990), a flow of information, followed by different kinds of non-conventional healing methods/practices, emerged. After years of censorship, and information ‚hunger‘, quasi all novelties were of high interest, what also included formerly ‘forbidden knowledge’, like for ex., spiritual, esoteric, literature, altogether with non-conventional (self)healing practices, which presumably embodied societal needs of that era: need of re-creation, re-definition of the new ‚self‘ after the communist system collapse (Ross, 2012: 135-136).

Nowadays, a cultural identity of contemporary non-conventional healing practices in Lithuania carries ambivalent features. Usually, it is taken as possessing ‘soft, natural, spiritual’ nature, but in current pandemic times, in some cases, it started being even demonized. Latter processes catalyzes a need for re-definition of ‘non-conventional healing’ phenomenon once again. Empirical data (qualitative methods, autoetnography; 2016-2019) let us presume that non-conventional healing supporters usually grants authority (and power) to biomedicine. But sort of ‚resistance‘ (or, criticism) was witnessed towards some aspects of official medical system, actual individual needs, etc. So, cultural identity seem to be ambiguous.

Thesis will overview, and contextualize cultural identity of non-conventional healing sphere in Lithuania since mid 90‘s up to date within perspective of humanities.

Panel Heal03a
Health, body, resistance: medical hegemonies under negotiation I [EASA Medical Anthropology Young Scholars]
  Session 1 Monday 21 June, 2021, -