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Accepted Paper:

Exploring pathways to the open research culture in the arts and humanities: DARIAH's open agenda  
Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra (DARIAH ERIC)

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Paper short abstract:

The presentation aims to outline domain-specific models of Open Science emerging from community practices of arts and humanities. By doing so, it will be shown how the DARIAH ERIC builds an open agenda for arts and humanities research that is firmly grounded in disciplinary realities.

Paper long abstract:

Amidst the fundamental changes in research culture of our days, we see a growing need for scholarly communities to translate the high-level principles and value of Open Science into their own needs and find their own domain-and discipline-specific solutions and paths towards responsible and sustainable research culture. Still, the emergence and design of the Open Science paradigm has been implicitly designed along numerous underlying assumptions about how science operates and communicates and therefore the generic research Open Science guidelines do not always align well with the cultural, conceptual and epistemological complexity of research workflows in the arts and humanities (this includes our dependence on Cultural Heritage data, the challenges around transitioning monographs to Open Access, legal complexities of sharing sensitive qualitative data or copyright protected data, diversity in metadata standards to name but a few).

The presentation aims to outline discipline-specific, yet widely interoperable models of Open Science emerging from community practices of arts and humanities. By doing so, it will be shown how DARIAH, a pan-European infrastructure for arts and humanities builds an open agenda for arts and humanities research that is firmly grounded in disciplinary realities.

The presentation will focus on practical offerings of DARIAH: communities, good practices, tools and services that can support European Ethnology research communities in opening up certain parts of their research workflows in responsible and sustainable ways.

Panel Know09b
Everything open for everyone? How Open Science is challenging and expanding ethnographic research practices
  Session 1 Monday 21 June, 2021, -