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Accepted Paper:
The cultural construction of the relics in modern Romania
Mircea Paduraru
(Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași)
Paper short abstract:
The paper explores the cultural processes by which dead bodies are turned into relics. The demonstration follows two argumentative lines: how the living deal with corpses and how dead bodies shape the living, since objects (lifeless bodies) are never just static, inert instances.
Paper long abstract:
The paper explores the cultural processes by which dead bodies are turned into relics. The demonstration follows two argumentative lines: how the living deal with corpses (dealing with how the living project and invest dead bodies with sacred values and expectations according to the condition of the local religious habitus, politics of meaning, and the dynamics of the religious field) and how dead bodies shape the living, since – in the perspective of Bruno Latour, Jan Hoder, Sonia Hazard or Manuel Vesquez – objects are never just static, inert instances, but have the capacity to shape, trigger responses and determine human action.