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Accepted Paper:
The oral materials national repository in México: towards an inclusive electronic open access archive
Berenice Granados Vázquez
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, ENES Morelia)
Santiago Cortés Hernández
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, ENES Morelia)
This presentation will describe the development of the Oral Materials National Repository in Mexico: its general principles and its latest improvements, such as a GIS based application that allows the query of data from a graphical interface.
Paper long abstract:
For over ten years, the research group of the Oral Materials National Laboratory ( has worked on the construction of a repository to store the documentation of oral discourses in Mexico. These materials, generated from very different types of field work, are often scattered and inaccessible. The Oral Materials National Repository is an open access electronic system that allows the ordered and systematic storage of this kind of archives. It is flexible enough to include materials generated from different academic perspectives and it is intended to be not only a reasearch tool, but also a reference source for the different communities that provided the oral information in the first place. This presentation will describe the general principles of this archive as well as its latest improvements, such as a GIS based application that allows the query of data from a graphical interface.