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Accepted Paper:

Precarious refuge: Syrians and Iraqis in Houston, Texas  
Maria Curtis (University of Houston-Clear Lake)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper examines the living conditions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees resettled in urban apartment complexes in Houston, Texas. This research explores Agamben's theory of "bare life" and how the refugee story reveals larger and deeper tears in the social fabric of contemporary democracy.

Paper long abstract:

This paper examines the living conditions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees resettled in urban apartment complexes in Houston, Texas. Because the American immigration system has not increased in terms of its initial financial support given to refugees since its inception in the 1970s when large numbers of Vietnamese refugees were arriving, family monthly allotments remain well below the poverty level. The sparsity of financial support in the early stages of refugee resettlement effectively places refugees among America's most poor. Resettlement agencies place refugees in dilapidated apartment complexes that are often unsafe or are in neighborhoods where public transportation is scant because they must maximize limited funds for large family groups. Church and mosque networks have buffered the increased budget cuts to resettlement staff common during the Trump administration by volunteering to serve as adoptive families, offering delivery of food and medical supplies, making mobile dispensaries and immunizations available. Refugees with agrarian ties network on donated land to grow produce and make their way into local famer's markets and specialty food stores. Aware of the linguistic diversity existing in refugee communities, public libraries have created art spaces and added titles in numerous languages to encourage greater engagement in public spaces. The presence of refugees in urban settings often revitalizes economically lagging neighborhoods and ultimately makes them greener and safer. This research explores the implications for Agamben's theory of "bare life" and how the refugee story reveals larger and deeper tears in the social fabric of contemporary democracy.

Panel Mig05
Permanent cities, transient states: housing refugees in urban centers
  Session 1 Monday 15 April, 2019, -