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Accepted Paper:

Water experiences in Iberian Peninsula  
Humberto Martins (CRIA-UMinho)

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Paper short abstract:

This is an interrogative paper. While preparing a research project on water scarcity in Portugal and Spain I would like to explore and discuss issues that inform the project. Which are the creative responses people develop when living with few water?

Paper long abstract:

This proposal is part of the preparation of a research project on water scarcity in the Iberian Peninsula. Still in the phase of conceptualization and exploration of research lines, I intend to submit a set of questions to the critical view of the panel. Issues such as climate change, environment, risk, living conditions, sustainability, culture, experience, creativity, memory are at stake, considering the need for a multilocal and longitudinal ethnographic approach. What contributions can anthropology give to a better understanding of how humans coexist with (lack of) water, at a time of various announced catastrophisms, environmental crises and shortage of this vital resource?

Panel Env03
Drier worlds - living with water scarcity
  Session 1 Monday 15 April, 2019, -