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Accepted Paper:
The UNESCO-codes on anthropology. History and needs for change
Klaus Schriewer
(Universidad de Murcia)
Juan Ignacio Rico Becerra
(Universidad de Murcia)
The presentation deals with the history of the so-called "UNESCO nomenclature for fields of sciences and technology", its classification of the anthropological disciplines, the role of UNESCO and the impact of the classification in the academic praxis as well as for the disciplinary identity.
Paper long abstract:
In the 1960s, UNESCO started a program on the classification of scientific fields. The aim was to create a system for statistical proposes that allows to compare academia in an international context. In the 1970s and 1980s different versions of the classification was presented. In the 1990s the program was abandoned. In spite of missing updates, UNESCO-codes are still used in the Spanish academia for the administration of several academic processes.
Our lecture will firstly present a short resume of the history of the UNESCO nomenclature, detail its classification of the anthropological disciplines and describe the disciplinary view of the different involved parts.
In the second part we will reflect on the role of UNESCO and analyze the impact of the classification on current academic practice at Spanish universities and the disciplinary identity.
The third part of the lecture is dedicated to a proposal which suggests to restart the program and restructure the classification of anthropological disciplines within the UNESCO-codes.