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Accepted Paper:

Evictions and spontaneous urbanisation along Abidjan´s waterfronts.  
Irit Ittner (German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS))

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Paper short abstract:

The poster shows the importance of so-called quartiers d´habitation spontanés to city making, as well as the effects of on-going eviction policy by introducing the example of a peninsular in the middle of the metropolis.

Paper long abstract:

Abidjan in Côte d´Ivoire is built along shores and on peninsulas of the Ébrié Lagoon which dominates the city landscape. The new research project "Waterfront Metropolis Abidjan" presented here links ethnography and remote sensing to academic debates about the right to the city, rebellious cities and urban citizenship. In Abidjan, there are on the one hand public debates on the improvements of marginalized habitation, some of which are located at the water fronts. On the other hand, eviction of so-called quartiers d´habitation spontanés and informal business areas have increased under the current government led by Quattara. The historical trajectory shows the important contribution of spontaneous settlements to city making and some effects of the policy of eviction. The example of a peninsular in the middle of the metropolis is introduced where dwellings have quickly been erected and a new quarter was established after other spontaneous settlements had been forcefully evicted by the town administration.

Panel Post01
POSTERS: Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity