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Accepted Paper:

Migrant care: an anthropological perspective  
Marwa Bakabas (America University of Beirut)

Paper short abstract:

My research addresses the challenges of migration and care amongst senior migrants in settlements and transit camps. I examine the forms of care available to migrants and provide a framework of information to legislators and the public in order to improve access to resources for vulnerable groups.

Paper long abstract:

This winter I plan to conduct field work for the second time in Greece, where I will assess standards of care in an 'in between' EU country. My first visit was on the northern shores of Lesvos Island, responding to arrivals. I was able to build an understanding of how inconsistent access to health care can have a negative impact on vulnerable individuals, which included seniors. They are disproportionally impacted by weather, overexertion, and are often travelling with previous health concerns. Given the current situation, in which the borders of the EU are closed to land migration and the majority of new migrants are living in camps that have been haphazardly constructed by NGOs and independent volunteers which have now become government controlled, it is crucial to evaluate the resources available to migrants living in these camps, and to assess what concerns are ignored and what modalities of care are inaccessible. By doing so, we can examine the logic, intent and organization of the response to health concerns, between the NGOs handing over to the government of Greece and the departure of several volunteer-led organizations. Speaking with the beneficiaries is critical for a more humane examination of what they receive, desire, and expect from care-providers. The voices of those seeking care are central because it allows us, as respondents, to hear what needs they have beyond simply physical and to create a line of open communication between aid-providers, government officials and care recipients.

Panel Mig08
Considerations of care needs and death as a critical issue between dwelling and mobility in the lives of senior migrants
  Session 1