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Accepted Paper:

Puzzling homes: narrating European crisis and future heritage  
Jonas Tinius (Saarland University (ERC Minor Universality)) Anna Szöke (Humboldt-Universität) Tal Adler (Humboldt University Berlin)

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Paper short abstract:

Focusing on ethnographic research and collaborations with artistic projects that seek to craft new forms of shared living and ideas of dwelling, the style of this contribution echoes the complexity of what we call puzzling homes.

Paper long abstract:

Europe is in a moment of conflict and self-questioning, both from within (Brexit) and from without ("refugee crisis"). New nationalisms and new citizens seem to clash over questions of what Europe is and what it will be. In this process, European citizenship and identity is negotiating its past and its future. Its heritage is being contested and redefined. For some it is being enriched as a consequence, for others it is threatened. This contested process is as much about questions of self and other, sameness and difference, as it is about the possibilities of creating and sharing notions of home across nations and borders. 

    This poster reflects on anthropological and artistic research done in the interlinked European project TRACES and the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMaH) that seek to find new ways of narrating and transmitting Europe's contested past and its future heritage. Focusing on ethnographic research and collaborations with artistic projects that seek to craft new forms of shared living and ideas of dwelling, the style of this contribution echoes the complexity of what we call puzzling homes.

Panel Post01
POSTERS: Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity