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Accepted Paper:

Tick habits. The entangled everyday habits of humans, companion animals and ticks during the tick seaso  
Sanna Lillbroända-Annala (Åbo Akademi University)

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Paper short abstract:

The tick season brings about special habits and routines for humans and companion animals. What are these habits, why do they occur and what is the purpose of them? This presentation addresses questions of habits and routines in relation to ticks, humans and companion animals in Finnish context.

Paper long abstract:

Since the 1990s, an increased knowledge of ticks and the danger to our health they may possess have changed many daily habits and routines for people living especially in the archipelago and along the coastline of Finland. With the climate change, the number of ticks and tick related diseases like TBE (tick-borne encephalitis) and Lyme disease have increased rapidly. The fear and risk of these diseases have had a profound impact on the everyday practices for humans but also for the relationship between humans and companion animals. The fear of ticks have also changed and continues to change the ways in which people spend time in nature and enjoy the outdoors.

The habits and routines affected by ticks is closely related to the tick season, which in Finland lasts from early Spring until late Autumn. During the season, ticks become active in search for blood meals. In my presentation, I want to address questions of how ticks influence human habits and everyday routines during the tick season. I also want to shed light on the changed habits among pet owners. What kind of habits and routines emerge and re-emerge during the tick season in both awaited and real confrontations with ticks? What kinds of strategies are adopted and what kinds of practices are people adapting to in order to protect both themselves and their companion animals from the risks of ticks?

The questions will be discussed in relation to questionnaires and newspaper articles.

Panel Temp03a
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  Session 1 Wednesday 15 June, 2022, -