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Accepted Paper:

The declarative mapping sentence method for integrating disparate forms of research related to biosocial medical anthropology and Covid-19  
Ava Gordley-Smith (Emerson College) Paul M W Hackett (Emerson College)

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Paper short abstract:

The declarative mapping sentence offers a comprehensive framework for integrating disparate forms of research in a way that doesn't distort the intent or content of each distinctive type of information. Furthermore it allows for a greater understanding of the information integration as a whole.

Paper long abstract:

Covid-19 has numerous facets and variables, namely the aspects of transmission, morbidity, mortality, recovery, peoples’ reactions, and intervention strategies. The ways in which countries and regions have attempted to address and mitigate its effects are similarly multivariate and complex. Furthermore, the responses of individuals and social groups are also intricate with few specific aspects of the virus or responses to the infection having clear and isolatable effects. In order to better understand the human interrelationship and consequences of Covid-19 we propose that multiple sources of information must be combined in a manner that respects the integrity of each information form whilst attempting to develop a greater understanding of the pandemic as a whole.

The declarative mapping sentence (DMS) provides a reflexive framework that responds to input from a wide variety of sources. It doesn't impose a structure upon data but the responsive framework is transportable from one situation and data source to another, reacting to each by allowing modifications. The DMS forms an initial structure for designing and conducting research and its adapted form may represent the outcome.

The flexible template of the DMS stimulates cumulative knowledge development, avoiding the imposition of assumptions present in a more rigid design and analysis system: The DMS creates the space necessary for knowledge emergence. Employing an adaptive and trustworthy research framework is imperative when translating knowledge across different disciplinary vernaculars and may be pivotal in aligning ethnographic and evolutionary perspectives within the anthropocene epoch and moreover the ever transforming biosocial medical anthropological sphere.

Panel P14a
Biosocial medical anthropology and Covid-19. Re-thinking concepts and methods in pandemic times I
  Session 1 Friday 21 January, 2022, -