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Accepted Paper:

A mixed methods exploration of access to support from across maternal social networks during the COVID-19 pandemic and its association with postnatal depressive symptoms: evidence from the UK  
Sarah Myers (University College London) Emily Emmott (University College London)

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Paper short abstract:

Using data from a longitudinal online social network survey of postnatal UK mothers, we illustrate ways quantitative and qualitative research methods, along with insights from evolutionary theory, can be combined to provide insights into social support and postnatal depression during COVID-19.

Paper long abstract:

Postnatal depression (PND) had a pre-COVID-19 estimated prevalence ranging up to 23% in Europe. Low social support is a key risk factor for developing PND; this is perhaps unsurprising, as humans evolved as cooperative childrearers, reliant on social support. Social restrictions designed to limit viral transmission have created unprecedented alterations to maternal support access.

Using data from an ongoing longitudinal online social network survey (May 2020 – September 2021) of UK mothers, we illustrate ways quantitative and qualitative research methods, in conjunction with insights from evolutionary theory, can be combined to provide insights into maternal wellbeing at this time.

Rates of PND were high: 47.5% (May-June 2020), 32.8% (July 2020), 51.3% (late 2020), 54.0% (February 2021), 38.2% (September 2021). Regression modelling found that the number of network members seen in-person, and remote communication with a higher proportion of those not seen, was negatively associated with PND. However, contact with a higher proportion of relatives was positively associated, suggesting kin risked seeing mothers in need. The more hours of childcare per week a mother received from her network, the lower her symptoms. Thematic qualitative analysis of open text responses found that mothers experienced a burden of constant mothering, inadequacy of virtual contact, and sadness and worries about lost social opportunities, while support from partners facilitated family bonding.

While Western childrearing norms focus on intensive parenting, and fathers are key caregivers, our results highlight that it still “takes a village” to raise children and UK mothers are struggling in its absence.

Panel P14a
Biosocial medical anthropology and Covid-19. Re-thinking concepts and methods in pandemic times I
  Session 1 Friday 21 January, 2022, -