Accepted Paper:

How to Use Home Movies as a Rememory Tool  
Essence London

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Paper short abstract:

How to Use Home Movies as a Rememory Tool is a creative piece detailing Essence London’s approach to autoethographic filmmaking. The accompanying screening is her film matriline ritual, which contains footage of her family’s 1999 Kwanzaa celebration & is currently in the post-production phase.

Paper long abstract:

Home movies as a genre of media is evolving, whether you include viral tiktoks & videos “collecting dust” deep in our 21st century phones or not. Artist Essence London believes this is the time to also reconsider the function of home movies regardless of the year or method they are captured. They can be more than historical record, more than an entrance to nostalgia. With attention & intentionality, home movies can be used as rememory tools that facilitate reflection & healing. London details how she does this in her autoethographic filmmaking process. The accompanying screening is her film matriline ritual, which contains footage of her family’s 1999 Kwanzaa celebration & is currently in the post-production phase.

Key Terms: rememory, home movies, quantum home movie

Panel P10
Autoethnographic Film as a Site of Self-Making
  Session 1 Tuesday 7 March, 2023, -