Accepted Contribution:

Anastasia Klupchak

Contribution short abstract:

Anastasia Klupchak works as a producer for a film and digital studio that centers unheard voices in media. She holds a PhD in interdisciplinary Media Studies from Emory University, where she was a Woodruff Diversity Fellow and Andrew Mellon Teaching Fellow.

Contribution long abstract:

Anastasia Klupchak works as a producer for a film and digital studio that centers unheard voices in media. She holds a PhD in interdisciplinary Media Studies from Emory University, where she was a Woodruff Diversity Fellow and Andrew Mellon Teaching Fellow. Grounded in disability studies and feminist and media anthropology, Klupchak’s research and teaching investigates how sensory media production (film and photography, digital storytelling, podcast, installation, soundscape) can document the movement of disability in space in expansive ways, talking back to generations of medicalized and objectifying representation.

Partner Event E07
Emory University: Is there a place for handcrafted films in 21st Century anthropology?
  Session 1 Friday 10 March, 2023, -