Accepted Contribution:

Collective reparation at Bojaya, Colombia: archives and collaborative documentary  
Maria Fernanda Carrillo Sanchez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM))

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Contribution short abstract:

This film explores how collective reparation it is posible, or not, through documentary in the context of arm conflict at Bojaya, Colombia. The archives and the collaborative work are the keys to reach memories in order to repair.

Contribution long abstract:

Documentary has become a juridical way of reparation in Colombia, there are different films made by the State because sentences that demand to repair the victims through documentary. However, these productions seem assignment jobs very similar among them, they are made for a very small group of researches and filmmakers, with lack of participation from the communities.

This research and film proposal, in stage of development, try to create a process that involve the reparation of the victims at Bojaya, Colombia. Through a collaborative process from three years ago, I have been working with the organization of victims at Bojaya, place where at massacre at 2002 happened, with the responsibility of legal an ilegal arm actors. In this procces I have recorded the institucional act or reparation at 2019. I also recorded the local and communitarian ritual of reparation for the direct victims of the massacre, following the afro-colombian funeral rites.

Recently, I have been worked in a collaborative way with the communication committee of the organization. We have proposed a project about the audiovisual archives of the community, we had find exceptional memories and we are reflecting about them, in order to create one or some films for the "Memory Place" that the community asked to the State as a way of reparation.

I would like to participate in this panel because I considered this Conference as the right place to reflect, not only about the formal language of cinema, but about the complex proccess that this project involves.

Workshop W05h
Work-in-Progress: Spirit
  Session 1 Friday 10 March, 2023, -