Accepted Paper:

Sensing the senses of place  
Mahroo Movahedi

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Paper short abstract:

In this paper, I share socio-cultural analysis from my PhD research to discuss the effect of uncertainty and temporality in relation to the Zayanderoud River.I focus on my sensory modality approaches to comprehend how individuals and groups interpret the Zayanderoud as a place, home and habitat.

Paper long abstract:

Zayanderoud, which literally means "The Life-giving River," is the largest river in the

center of Iran. It is the source of livelihood and the main factor of fertility in the city of

Isfahan. Flowing from the Zagros Mountains, it plays an important role in providing

drinking water, water for industrial and agricultural in-throughout the greater province of Isfahan.

The river has divided the city into western and eastern sectors, which are

connected through many historical bridges which have been built on along this the river such as Khaju Bridge, Si-o-se pol (33 Bridges), and Marnan Bridge, among and some others.

Since 2009 the river faces a life-threatening drought problem and has been dusted and replaced by dirt and stones.

Isfahan citizens consider the river as part of their identity and the city has taken its original identity from it the river as well as it is considered as part of the identity of the Isfahan citizens. The Zayanderoud River is a symbol of the living history in of Isfahan. This paper draws from my Ph.D. research, "A Sensory Ethnography in the

Life-giving River in Isfahan,Iran"that has involved observing, analyzing, and documenting the ways in which people interact with this body of water.

Panel P06b
Thinking with Water, Critters and Landscapes: Multimodal Engagements
  Session 1 Tuesday 7 March, 2023, -