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Accepted Paper:

International Exchanges in Schools, AI and the Possible Role of Anthropology in Future Education in Italy, Europe and Beyond  
Giovanna Guslini (Formerly of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)

Paper short abstract:

In this presentation I will explore the role technology played in digital cultural exchanges. II will examine distance learning projects during the first phase of COVID-19 and then later in the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, the use of technology had been experimental, but the pandemic facilitated the use of technology by schools to explore cultures in other countries. The technology allow for digital cultural exchange to occur.

Paper long abstract:

In the post-emergency period, we asked ourselves: what has changed in the role of the teacher? what has changed in the role of the student? what legacy from the new coronavirus? The international cooperation through technologies has left a legacy of a more innovative teaching and learning: a more open education, closer to young people.

The videos produced by European children and young people on various topics dear to socio-cultural anthropology document not only complex interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary activities, but also their virtual exchanges with other cultures and their digital research: they are their creative way of dealing with anthropological issues, guided by adults.

Many schools now facing the digital transformation are trying to understand the basics of AI and what are the benefits and challenges AI can offer to provide a quality and inclusive education for all. Questions being asked include: 1) How to bring AI into the international projects? and 2) What is the impact of AI on Education, Society, Culture, and Economy? The European School Education Platforms offer many resources for one to learn about AI.

AI is not to replace human intelligence or replace the human with other intelligence, rather we need to learn to identify and use the best combination of human intelligence and AI. AI is extension of human intelligence. What skills, competences do we need to be aware of to prepare for the future? Machines cannot replace the “essential human skills such as creativity, collaboration, curiosity, critical thinking, communication, value judgements, and social and emotional learning” (Holmes and Neves 2020). Thus we need to reconfigure our curriculums to focus on the essentially human skills and anthropological experience that complements AI.


anthropology and education, European school education platforms, artificial intelligence, digital cultural exchange; interdisciplinarity/transdisciplinarity

Panel P26b
Education and Mobility Today: Integrating Digital and Visual Technology with Physical Learning
  Session 1 Tuesday 7 June, 2022, -