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Accepted Paper:

AI and the impacts on our FN community & Society  
Maureen Brown (Opaskwayak Cree Nation)

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Paper short abstract:

Our First Nation Identity is based on the common consciousness that is derived from our teachings through ceremony. Our society understands the responsibility of building a world that is sustainable and safe, it is our duty. As Chief Seattle stated, “We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.”

Paper long abstract:

AI promises efficiencies in everyday life and connectivity to build a wider more inclusive community. The positive aspects of AI are endless. Mitigating the negative impacts is essential.

AI was introduced in our FN community(ies) in the midst of our healing journey from the devastating negative impacts of colonization and assimilation policy.

The separation from our land and community was harmful, the same separation from the community can be seen in technology today. The human spirit of our children and future generations has become a battle. The disruption this technology has caused interferes and delays the healing process. The imbalance created by colonization will take decades to reverse.

We lived peacefully by following the original Instructions. These were passed down through the generations. These natural laws instruct how to survive as human beings and to live in harmony with the world around us. Building a safe future for our children means we incorporate and uphold the following teachings:

1) Harmony: Balance must be achieved to live in harmony.

2) Governance/Laws (Regulations) there is order in the universe.

3) Accountability (share the principles of sacred laws)

To lessen the harm that technology may cause to the human spirit, we have adopted the following:

1) Land-Based learning. Connection to land and self (spirit).

2) Language retention: Language is the blueprint of a culture.

3) Creator Laws: Are important for order and survival.

There’s order in the universe. May the laws of Pastowin and Ocinawin be the guiding principles as we navigate in building a safe and sustainable future.

Panel P31
The lived experiences of artificial intelligence in Canadian Indigenous communities.
  Session 1 Monday 6 June, 2022, -