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Speculative fiction in relation to prediction, innovation, and futures and the 'applied' role it can play in the social and technological transformations of AI, and in shaping future history. 
Stephen Oram
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Friday 10 June, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

Acknowledging the messiness and uncertainty of futurity and the rich aesthetic reality of speculative fiction, the panel will discuss what 'applied' role speculative fiction (such as science fiction) can play in the social and technological transformations of AI, and in shaping future history.

Long Abstract:

A forthcoming issue of Vector, the British Science Fiction Association's critical journal, is focused on the role (or not) of speculative fiction in relation to prediction, innovation, and futures.

This roundtable panel, formed from contributors and convened by the guest-editor, will address the central question of AI and the future of society by covering topics such as: the predictable perils of super-forecasting and its ability to reframe questions and understand contexts; why SF as an anticipatory narrative model matters for public reasoning and decision making; and how to use SF to inform and influence policy makers on the key issues of tomorrow.

• Near-future fiction author Stephen Oram works with scientists and technologists, exploring possible futures through short stories. Current project with King's College London: "piloting development of an automated approach to coding expressed emotion."

• is a UK-based collective and think-tank, focusing on the process and effect of the digital revolution in industry, society and its emerging digital cultures. Recently development - a Digital Rights Charter proposition for the Labour Party (2019).

• Will Slocombe is Director of the Science Fiction Studies MA pathway at the University of Liverpool and one of the Directors of the Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Futures.

• Professor Sarah Dillon is co-author of Storylistening: Narrative Evidence and Public Reasoning (Routledge 2021) and co-editor of AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines (OUP 2020).

British Science Fiction Association is a national organisation of science fiction writers, readers and scholars.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 10 June, 2022, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates