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Accepted Paper:

‘Like Cucumber to Durian’: The Temiar Orang Asli in Kelantan, the criminalisation of land protection, and environmental justice  
Rusalina Idrus (Universiti Malaya)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper examines the strategies taken on by the Temiar Orang Asli in Kelantan, Malaysia, to protest against logging and a durian plantation project encroaching onto their customary land. We bring attention to the power dynamics and highlight the criminalisation of land protection in Malaysia.

Paper long abstract:

In the past years, the Temiar Orang Asli of Gua Musang, Kelantan have been actively protesting against logging and plantation expansion into their customary land. In 2018, the Temiar staged a large demonstration with 800 people and set up three blockades at the Gunung Stong Selatan Forest Reserve to protest logging activities and a Musang King durian plantation project. Increased China market demand for the Musang King durian has led to the creation of large-scale plantations, built by clear-cutting large tracks of forest. The Temiar’s action drew attention and support from civil society groups including human rights and environmental organisations. The land conflict did not end with this demonstration and the community have had to continue to fend off encroachment. They have been threatened with violence by the logging and durian companies, and criminalised by the state. The durian company filed a lawsuit against one the Temiar leaders for obstructing their entry. Even during the pandemic, loggers continued to breach the blockades. This constant assault has left the indigenous community in a constant state of battle. However, the Temiar remained committed to protect their ancestral land and the environment. They point out the impact of the depleting forest resources on their food security and the contamination of their water sources. We examine here the responses and strategies taken on by the Temiar to protect their ancestral land. We bring attention to the power dynamics and highlight the politics of environmental justice and the criminalisation of land protection in Malaysia.

Panel P040a
The Shaping of Conservation and Customary Rights: Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples' Responses and Mobilization in Southeast Asia
  Session 1 Wednesday 27 October, 2021, -