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Accepted Participant Detail:

Roundtable participant (Yufang Gao & Tashi Sangpo Ju)  
Gao Yufang (Yale University) Tashi Sangpo Ju

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Short bio:

This presentation will share how Tibetan Buddhist monks consider the interactions between people and large carnivores on the Tibetan Plateau and compare it with the mainstream conservationist thinking.

Additional details:

Yufang Gao is a Ph.D. candidate in wildlife conservation and environmental anthropology at Yale University. He holds a B.S. in Biology from Peking University and an M.S. in Environmental Science from Yale. He has worked as a conservation practitioner for several international, national and local NGOs on a variety of conservation projects related to large carnivore conservation. He has also researched the illicit trade in elephant ivory in Africa and Asia. His dissertation research looks into human-carnivore coexistence on the Tibetan Plateau. Khenpo Tashi Sangpo Ju is a Tibetan Buddhist monk and the founder of Nyanpo Yutse Conservation Association, a local grassroots NGO dedicated to wildlife conservation.

Roundtable R007
From Conflict to Coexistence?: Rethinking Human-Wildlife Relations through China-Africa Experiences
  Session 1 Monday 25 October, 2021, -