This presentation will highlight work that fosters ground level collaboration between conservation practitioners and oil palm growers to conserve orangutans and other primates in the floodplain lowlands of Eastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.
Paper long abstract:
In the mature oil palm/fragmented forest matrix of the Kinabatangan floodplain in Eastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, wild orangutans are at a critical tipping point. Given that oil palm monoculture dominates this landscape today, without the cooperation of oil palm growers, conservation of wild orangutans in this region will not be possible. This presentation will highlight work to foster ground level collaboration between conservation practitioners and oil palm growers to conserve orangutans and other primates in this former ideal habitat. We have found fundamental misperceptions exist on both sides. Chief among these are a lack of updated ecological knowledge of the primate species encountered, misunderstandings about what conservation means and the core belief that exclusion of wildlife is a central tenet of industrial agriculture.