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Accepted Paper:

Feeding Humans, Eating Animals: Rooftops as Spaces of Nurturance & Providing Food in Contemporary Egypt  
Noha Fikry (University of Toronto)

Paper short abstract:

This paper explores rooftop rearing practices in urban Egypt, where lower-middle class families rear some animals for food. Women, laboring rooftop animals into food, always contrast their rooftop-reared animals with store-bought meat, whose quality and gastronomic history are dubious and unknown.

Paper long abstract:

Rearing animals on urban rooftops in Egypt is a long-standing practice through which people sustain their requirements of meat protein. Rooftop animals include ducks, chickens, geese, goats, rabbits, and sheep among various others. It is usually urban lower-middle classes who opt for rooftop rearing, which mainly takes place in four or five-floors extended family homes. Based on one year of ethnographic fieldwork, this research explores rooftops as gendered spaces in which women practice what I propose calling "bread-nurturing", a gendered labor by which women secure and provide nutritious and delicious, preferably rooftop-nurtured, food for the family. Broken down into household leftovers and fodder, a rooftop animal feed helps nurture and shape the taste of a rooftop animal as "clean", that which my interlocutors always casted as superior to any store-bought animal whose feed is unknown & untrusted. A rooftop animal's essential value, then, is its taste, expressed through knowledge and control of the animal's [gastronomic] past. In light of dwindling rooftops and the proliferation of cheap imported poultry and meat, rooftop rearing practices expose a different mode of multispecies engagement. This intimate multispecies engagement is what grants rooftop animals a special status: They are never sold or exchanged beyond kin networks and immediate families. Imbued with nurturance, care, and countless hours of feeding, cleaning, and rearing, rooftop multispecies relations deviate from market-oriented forms of engagement in industrial poultry farms in which feed is engineered to accelerate the growth of animals and amass largest profits in shortest time spans.

Panel P015c
Living with Diversity in a More-than-Human World
  Session 1 Thursday 28 October, 2021, -