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Accepted Paper:

Producing the Global South  
Smytta Yadav

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Paper short abstract:

How have both geography and anthropology conceptualized borders, places, and people of the global south differently and why?

Paper long abstract:

Even though the idea of the global south came out of Geography, it was Anthropology, at least in Britain, that was originally linked with to the extent that now almost all of anthropology is a study of countries which are non-western and exclusively in the global south. In this paper, I try to understand how the treatment and practice of studying and understanding the global south in the two disciplines is different and how one or both have continued to influence each other. I would compare and contrast some key case studies in contemporary global south such as those studying Labour, Gender, Religion, and the State. I hope to draw some key ideas from these different practices of enquiry and methods of representing the social life in the global south.

Panel HI03
Histories between Anthropology and Geography: Practices, Actors, Canons
  Session 1 Thursday 17 September, 2020, -