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Accepted Paper:

"Managing the world": male and female knowledge of the Eastern Tukano Indigenous people (Northwestern Amazonia in Brazil), facing the challenges of the Anthropocene  
Melissa Santana De Oliveira (UFSCarLSE)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper intends to pursue the way Eastern Tukanoan's male and female knowledge is engaged with scientific discussions about climate change in projects accomplished by indigenous and non-indigenous organizations after the demarcation of the Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Land.

Paper long abstract:

This paper intends to pursue the way the Eastern Tukanoan's male and female traditional knowledge is engaged with scientific concepts and discussions about climate change in projects accomplished by indigenous and non-indigenous organizations after the demarcation of the Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Land. I am taking the challenges of articulating discussions of the anthropocene, gender and decolonization and of contributing to the understanding of how the anthropocene has been experienced by the Eastern Tukano peoples. The Tukanoan cosmology is centered in the setting of the time year from the articulation between constellations movements (winters) and fruiting and flowering time (summers), with theirs economic activities and with the performing of male shamanic actions with the aim to "order the Universe". For the Tukanoan this actions ensures that each time happen correctly. From the 2000s, with the implementation of the indigenous cultural valorisation and environmental management projects promoted by FOIRN (Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro) and ISA (Instituto Socioambiental), new indigenous generations begun to take an interest in the knowledge of the elders, which earned prestigious in the communities and engaged the global network debates. Daily feminine's knowledge of the garden and cuisine, which includes the domestication of wild cassava and the mastery of planting and cultivation of its numerous varieties, that persisted for Centuries after the contact with the non-indigenous and are an important part of the Eastern Tukano's way of life and their conception of management, have only recently been considered in such projects.

Panel B15
Indigenous peoples, territory and politics
  Session 1 Monday 14 September, 2020, -