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Accepted Paper:
A global street? The case of Rua Nova dos Mercadores in sixteenth century Lisbon
Reuben Ross
(Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
This paper explores how the visual representation of one particular street in sixteenth century Lisbon reflected the broader dynamics of an emergent world economy at the time. In so doing, it introduces the notion of a "global street."
Paper long abstract:
The Rua Nova dos Mercadores in Lisbon was once described as "one of the richest streets in the world." During the sixteenth century, this was the main commercial thoroughfare of a multicultural city at the heart of global trade. "Every day, merchants representing almost every people and region of the world flock together here," wrote historian Damião de Góis of the street, "joined by great throngs of people enjoying the advantages of business at the port." In 2009, the only surviving painting of the Rua Nova dos Mercadores was identified in the collection of Kelmscott Manor in England. It depicts a remarkable everyday street scene, populated by foreign merchants, slaves and even exotic animals. Departing from this painting, the current paper explores how the visual representation of this street reflected the broader dynamics of an emergent world economy. In so doing, it introduces the notion of a "global street." Today, as Sharon Zukin has argued, "local streets are fast becoming a 'global' urban habitat, where differences of language and culture are seen, heard, smelled, felt, and certainly tasted." Similarly, Suzanne Hall has suggested how modern-day streets provide "a contextual lens with which to view local expressions of social adaptation in the face of global change." Could the same be said about the Rua Nova dos Mercadores? What can such historical case studies help us understand about global streets today? And, what role does visual representation play in this?