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Accepted Paper:

Twinning schools and territories: an opportunity for dialogue between anthropology and geography beyond all borders.  
Giovanna Guslini (Formerly of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)

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Paper short abstract:

Twinning of schools is an essential tool for an active growth in anthropological and geographical skills together. It is not only a container of interdisciplinary themes and experiences, but also a way for formal, informal and public education involving the twinned territories at all levels.

Paper long abstract:

Focusing on twinning between schools means enhancing an essential tool for the growth of anthropological and geographical skills together. The networks of different schools and territories are not only interdisciplinary containers of themes, activities, experiences, research and training, but also promoters of educational action in the broadest sense: they develop formal, informal and public education, involving actors of all ages and territories at all levels, local, national and international.

Among the actors there are students, teachers, librarians, headmasters, parents... but also policy makers and representatives of various institutions, such as industries, cultural associations and twinned municipalities. Each of them contributes to the promotion of international cooperation through bilateral and multilateral exchanges of experiences and research, as suggested by the International Charter on Geographic Education, Beijing 2016. On the other hand, interaction between people from different cultures is also an important field of study for anthropologists.

Exchanges can be real, with reciprocal hospitality in families or host institutions, or at a distance, through the tools offered by the most modern technologies (chat, videoconferencing, etc…), or they can be real and virtual together: they usually focus on teaching materials and methods, different ways of learning and evaluation, comparison of curricula or discovery of other ways of living, environments and traditions.

The anthropologist and the geographer together can therefore not be missing in a twinning and must work together. The skills of their disciplines and fields of research will certainly help: they will better orient exchanges and lead them to success.

Panel ED01
Education outside the University - schools, outreach and the public: Geography and Anthropology in Conversation
  Session 1 Wednesday 16 September, 2020, -