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Accepted Paper:

Extreme events, indicators of Planetary Health? Saiga antelope of the central Asian steppe.  
Richard Kock (Royal Veterinary College)

Paper short abstract:

The presentation explores the cause of the recent extreme mortality event impacting the saga antelope of Central Kazakhstan.

Paper long abstract:

Since the 1970s a series of extreme mortality events have been reported for saiga antelope, an ancient species of the grasslands of Asia. The most recent caused the death of 88% of the core population in Central Kazakhstan in May of 2015. The proximate disease was haemorrhagic septicaemia but the real question is what underlies or triggers this catastrophic infection and climate comes high-up on the possible co-factors. The talk will discuss the efforts to prove the proposed drivers of these events.

Panel P28
The "One Health" approach to understanding climate change and infectious disease - is it enough?
  Session 1