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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
By reflecting upon particular subjects that local residents suggested I photograph ‘for my study’, this paper critiques the visual representations of Hurricane Katrina in the mainstream media, and offers an alternative representation of the aftermath of this disaster.
Paper long abstract:
This paper critiques the visual representations of Hurricane Katrina in the mainstream media, and offers an alternative representation of the aftermath of this disaster. Using photography for ethnographic enquiry, it discusses why particular subjects were recommended by the local residents to be photographed during my research.
The representation of disaster in the media can be crucial in establishing such events within both national consciousness and collective history. In the case of Katrina the over-arching narrative portrayed was one centered within the ruined city of New Orleans as it was overwhelmed by not only forces of nature, but also violence, looting and unrest. Authors such as Campbell (2010) and Garfield (2013) have demonstrated how this particular narrative, constructed by the media, was not only false, but actually exacerbated an already tragic event.
During my ethnographic fieldwork in Buras, a rural, coastal community approximately 70 miles south-east of New Orleans, I was on several occasions, advised to photograph a particular object, building, or event 'for my study'. Taken together, these recommendations reflect a desire for a visual representation of this post-disaster community which is locally meaningful. Analysing the subject matters of these photographs sheds light on key dynamics in the on-going experience and recovery of Hurricane Katrina in this context.
Engaging Disaster: Photography on Unsettled Ground
Session 1