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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
The atmospheric landscape photography essay explores the relationship between the city of London and myself, which is diverse, dynamic and complex.
Paper long abstract:
Imagine visiting a city for the first time, what would be the one photograph that describes the story about the city from your first impression? Then, after living there for a while, what would be another photograph that would tell the city's story from the feeling at that later moment? Are the photographs going to be the same, alike or totally different in terms of perspective, mood, or tone? It depends, on the reaction between oneself and the city.
Due to the fact that the city always changes over time, so do the people living in this city; they are also shaped and transformed by the society and the surroundings in which they live.
I have been staying in the city of London for more than a year. During my stay I myself have changed a lot and this change is ongoing everyday in many aspects. I have taken on many roles: a masters degree student, a tourist, a waiter, a part-time jobber, a guide, a photographer and so on. From the continuous changes in the city as well as myself, therefore, what photographs can clearly reflect my feeling towards the City?
In this photographic essay, I adopt Impressionist landscape photography as my visual documentation approach. For my methodology, I position myself as a participant observer, immersing myself into the city to see and feel the particular moments of London, and then photograph them! The photographs are my interpretive description of the city of London.
One City, Multiple Stories: Visual Narratives of London Urbanism
Session 1