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Accepted Paper:
Unrepeatable Experiments: photographs and the double-historicity of archaeological archives
Dan Hicks
(Oxford University)
Paper short abstract:
This paper reports on archival research undertaken in 2014 into the author's own archaeological fieldwork, carried out for English archaeological units between 1989-1999. In doing so, the paper thinks through some of the limits of life-writing in archaeological thought and practice.
Paper long abstract:
This paper reports on archival research undertaken in 2014 into the author's own archaeological fieldwork, which was carried out for a range of private and local government archaeological units in the Midlands and Southern England over the course of a decade between 1989 and 1999. It considers the partialities constituted by archaeological archives, and the implications of their double historicity. In doing so, the paper explores the permeabilities between material, archival, and human time, in order to think through some of the limits of life-writing in archaeological thought and practice.
Archaeology and Photography
Session 1