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Accepted Paper:
Creating a Digital Visual Resource
Dawn Chatty
(University of Oxford)
Jaanika Vider
(University of Vienna)
Paper short abstract:
This paper documents the process of creating a digital archive of photographic images taken between 1978 and 2013 of a remote and marginalised social group on the edge of the Empty Quarter.
Paper long abstract:
It paper is in two parts. The first explores the practical issues in creating the digital archive, the selection of images, the creating of meta data, and key words , at the process of digitising as well as the technical issues of colour correction and uploading. explores the conceptual, technical and fiscal impasses in this process. It then explores some of the ethical issues regarding the creation of such an open resource and the mechanisms considered in order keep the images freely available for all on a not-for profit basis. Although originally conceived as an advocacy tool, the paper will examine the unintended impact which the digital website has had on the community itself.
Archiving Photographs and Photographing Archives
Session 1