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Accepted Paper:
Flânerie in a 21st Century London
Kelsey Williams
(George Mason University)
Paper short abstract:
The flâneur is the quintessential icon of the urban experience. This project depicts the life of the London flâneur in a 21st century urban setting displaying the visions of the flâneur if he were to meander the London streets today.
Paper long abstract:
In a city such as London the rich history is inescapable yet a person is simultaneously juxtaposed with the advancements of the future. As I wandered the streets of the city I could not help but to be reminded of the 19th Century flâneur, the quintessential icon of the urban experience. He emerged on the scene at the time of the technological advancement of the industrial revolution. With traces left behind from his era across the city I began to wonder what he would witness from our continued technological revolution. As I spent every day of a warm summer month strolling through London I was immersed in my own flânerie. The photos depicted in this project are a fusion of a past and present London. They are a perception of the 21st century flâneur and a visionary embodiment of what he would discover in London today. The photos are meant to transport the viewer into the eyes of the urban explorer, as he would see London this century.
One City, Multiple Stories: Visual Narratives of London Urbanism
Session 1