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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
This paper offers a researched outlook and activity, where photography substantially devotes a method as well as a constitution of thoughts and feelings into the process of seeing, in order to experience a deep understanding of the state of existence of its subject.
Paper long abstract:
This paper is made in an effort to deepen the understanding of the possibilities on the utilization of socio-cultural representation within the process of art creation in order to give more meaning into the art of photography. There is a great chance of practicability that visual ethnography or photo-ethnography can provide assistance and answer to these issues. Therefore, the author tried to formulate a form of research method by collaborating the method of photo-ethnographic approach and the emotional approach in conducting the investigation; in order to obtain an intellectual insight along with the creative insight from the truth attached to the subjects. The values embodied in the concept of invincibility in Debus Banten as the theme obtained from the results of research activity conducted on the existence of the Debus Banten communities are then formularized as an artwork through the process of fine art photography creation. The concept is developed from the deep understanding of the subject as well as from an empirical experience in the area of photography, guided by basic theories of anthropology especially ethnography, theories of creativity, and theories of art creation that have been previously established. By means of these approaches, all lead to the creation of images that tend to be more significance, more prolific in social meaning, and offer a credible empirical documentation of a phenomenon in everyday life as well as intuitively offers artistic autonomous that could provide more magnitude to the quality of a photographic representations.
Photography as a research method
Session 1