Paper short abstract:
Ethno-fishery by locals In Sub-Himalayan North Bengal, India is the prime object of the paper.
Paper long abstract:
Ethno-fishery by locals In Sub-Himalayan North Bengal, India is the prime object of the paper. Locals practice there agro-forestry, are involved in collection of wild potatoes and rhizomes of various types,bamboo and mushroom, collect catechu and rubber, work under forest department, protect forest, collect fuel, used as labourforce in logging, make wooden plough and boats, work as forest guards to prevent bio-piracy and preventing wild attacks.
They also possess knowledge about local fishes of both edible and ornamental types. They have prepared different types of fishing implements and traps to collect these fishes of different size and season along with crabs, tortilla and shrimps/prawns.
Many of these folk communities have now become settled cultivators and involved in other types of job,but their fishing traps actually symbolizes their Indo-Mongoloid affinities suitable for small rivers and streams coming down from Tibeto-Himalayas.