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Accepted Paper:

The extent of the malaria problem in Andhra Pradesh and the effectiveness of this ancient method in preventing Malaria in the absence of other prevention measures  
G.Ravi Kumar (Sri Venkateswara University)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper will examine the extent of the malaria problem in Andhra Pradesh and the effectiveness of this ancient method in preventing Malaria in the absence of other prevention measures.

Paper long abstract:

Malaria is a serious, but preventable disease that spreads when there are showers at the very beginning of the rainy season and affects ST peoples severley. Tribal people usually reside near ponds in thick forests and also recently as farmers orchards as security personnel. They are fond of living in huts made of palm leaves. They seldom use mosquito nets instead following the ancient method of extracting oil from local seeds and keeping it in lamp-like bottles that are lit during nights to protect themselves. Some of them apply this oil to their bodies to be free from mosquito. This paper will examine the extent of the malaria problem in Andhra Pradesh and the effectiveness of this ancient method in preventing Malaria in the absence of other prevention measures.

Panel SE25
Health activism in the context of selective healthcare
  Session 1 Thursday 8 August, 2013, -