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Accepted Paper:

Historiography of Caitany: The term hindu and hindu-dharma in Gaudiya Vaisnava Literatures.  
Masahiko Togawa (Hiroshima University)

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Paper short abstract:

This study analyzes the usage of the term hindu appeared on the hagiographies Caitanya(1486–1533), who is well known as the medieval Bengali saint.

Paper long abstract:

This study analyzes the usage of the term hindu in the Gauriya Vaisnava literature, which is a series of hagiographies of the saint Caitanya (1486-1533). Caitanya is well known as the medieval Bengali saint of the Bhakti movement. The term hindu appeared on two masterpieces of the hagiographies, namely the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata (completed around 1545) and the Sri Sri Caitanya Caritamrita (around 1612-15). Joseph T. O'Connell has discussed the term hindu in these texts, and several scholars have referred to his study for their arguments over the modern construction of the concept of 'Hinduism'.

The author categorises the meanings of the term hindu in the texts, and analyze the transition in usages. This analysis sheds light on a process of the formation of 'self-conscious religious identity', in which the native people became aware of a 'religious community', who suppose to share the same beliefs and practices as Muslims. The author also discusses that the role of the kaji, a judge of Islamic law, is to mediate the conflict within a local Hindu community.

Panel MMM15
Migration and its linguistic consequences in South Asia and neighbouring regions
  Session 1 Tuesday 6 August, 2013, -