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Accepted Paper:

Anthropology and comunication design: which collaboration?  
Emanuela Bonini Lessing (IUAV - Venice) Valentina Bonifacio (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

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Paper short abstract:

In summer 2011 the disciplines of urban design, cultural anthropology and comunication design collaborated together during a 15 days workshop in the Po delta region (Italy). At the end of the workshop some of the results were presented in the form of graphics.

Paper long abstract:

During a 15 days workshop, a group of students who had been previuosly trained in the discipline of comunication and graphic design were collaborating with an anthropologist in order to gain a better understanding of the "Delta del Po" territory. Despite dealing with identity issues, in fact, the design discipline hasn't developed specific tools for gathering information on the fieldwork. The graphic results of this collaboration will be presented in the presentation, together with some reflections on this inter-disciplinary research.

Panel G12
Beyond anthropology
  Session 1 Tuesday 6 August, 2013, -