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Accepted Paper:

Being Single in Saudi Arabia  
Namie Tsujigami (The University of Tokyo)

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Paper short abstract:

The paper argues how people in Saudi Arabia choose or not to choose to be single in a society with high pressures in marriage.

Paper long abstract:

Marriage without substantial marital life can be strategic for women in a society where women face restrictions on freedom of movements and women are often required to be accompanied by her male guardian. This paper explores how women strategically keep marital contract in order to protect herself and children, and enjoy a relative freedom within conjugal relationship in Saudi Arabia. The paper, based on hte author's fieldwork research in Riyadh and Jidda, argues how people pressures youngsters to enter into marriage. In the meante, it how it also discloses those who choose to be single.

Panel G21
Diversity of the meaning of being 'single' in the globe: drastic changes of the way of life, human relations, and kinship
  Session 1 Friday 9 August, 2013, -