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Accepted Paper:

The Khasis of the Northeast: A case of Emerging Double Descent in a Community  
Marinder Kumar Mishra (University of Allahabad) Vijoy Sahay (University of Allahabad)

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Paper short abstract:

Through empirical example the paper deals with the transitory phase of Khasi community in the Indian State of Meghalaya. It warns that while introducing any scheme, the planners have to be causes the welfare and wellbeing of the community.

Paper long abstract:

While the concept of welfare is an Etic issue, the concept of wellbeing is Emic. The paper deals with the emerging situation of a case of double descent among the Khasis of the State of Meghalaya in India .The Khasis have been traditionally a matriarchal society; the inheritance of property, in terms of land, takes place from the female line. However, during last few decades, huge amount of moveable property, in the form of cash money, has been earned by the khasi families. Now such movable property, for obvious reasons, is being inherited by the male line. Therefore, there has been a paradigm shift relating to rule of descent and inheritance. Now, the Synkong Rympei Thymai (SRT), an organization formed by the active male members of the community, has been emphasizing that the wellbeing of Khasi community would be ensured only by changing the rule of descent and inheritance in the community. The paper empirically suggests that the Khasi community in India is undergoing a phase of rapid transition .The planners and administrators have to be aware while introducing any welfare programme among the Khasis; else, the welfare measures introduced among the Khasis, instead of doing any good, would only disturb the well being of the community.

Panel G07
Tribal situation in India's North-east: emerging issues and ongoing anthropological attention
  Session 1 Tuesday 6 August, 2013, -