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Accepted Paper:

As proven by the Dong Nu Guo, a precisely documented Himalayan society of the past, real matriarchal societies did exist.  
Frederique Martine Darragon (Sichuan University)

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Paper short abstract:

Cannot find adequate panel for my presentation “As proven by the Dongnuguo…”, so I am sending it through "other01" Panel. In an attempt to make it fit, I also sent a somewhat similar paper to the panel "G04". Many distinguished scholars admit the “Dong Nu Guo” did exist but no one focused on its matriarchal aspect. Therefore I believe it is a very important topic, and I would much rather present my paper in its original form as I am submitting it in this panel “Other01”. Hoping you will consider favorably my request. Impossible to send an email because “my server cannot be authenticated” (??) Very best regards. M F Darragon

Paper long abstract:

By the 1970's the western world had refuted Bachofen's "early mother right societies" theory; not only archeological evidence was inconclusive but no matriarchal society had ever been discovered, and westerners came to believe that real matriarchies never existed. Not so in China where Chinese scholars are still influenced by Engels' writings and by existing matrilineal populations.

While researching the mysterious ancient star-shaped towers of the Sino-Tibetan Corridor, I stumbled on an "Eastern Kingdom of Women" documented in the Chinese Sui and Tang Annals as "ruled by queens" and where "men had a secondary role" making it a real Matriarchy. These women were no "Amazons": women ruled but men fought. This "Queendom" was at one point very large and quite rich, but mostly encompassed impossible terrain. The Tibetan Empire attacked it and the Queendom collapsed around 742.

This paper will show that the data is sufficient to prove the existence of this matriarchy, and will extrapolate that real matriarchies, in which women overpowered men, can only exist as long as they are not militarily challenged by men warriors led by other men. If the existence of one matriarchal society can be proved, others certainly did exist, but, as that was before the time when large patriarchal states started writing historical records, these matriarchies became part of the mythical past. Neuroscience has also recently proven (Vidal 2005, Jordan-young 2010) that female brains have the same potential that male brains, and that includes the leadership qualities necessary for the existence of matriarchies

Panel BH18
Did matriarchy ever exist? New approaches from Darwinian anthropology, rock art studies, ethnography and myth
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -