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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
This paper examines the relationship between hosts and guests on the island Sumba, Eastern Indonesia and discusses the linking of the two disciplines - anthropology and tourism - and how they might contribute to the process of development.
Paper long abstract:
The western district of Sumba, a remote island in Eastern Indonesia, has become a destination for ethnic tourism. This study explores the mutually mistrustful relation of hosts and guests. Both groups perceive the other as exotic and violent. The language barrier, Sumbanese rumours about dangerous the "bule" (Caucasians) and tourists' preconceptions even deepen this setting. In the process of development the relationship between hosts and guests will have to change. This can be achieved through deeper awareness from both sides and mainly by incorporating the Sumbanese into the chain of profit from tourism. Nevertheless, to do that the cultural barriers have to be defined and taken into consideration. This case study aims to point out the establishment of cooperation between these two interconnected fields - anthropology and tourism - it is inevitable to prevent and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in this area. Without it any development programs cannot continue successfully.
Linking anthropology and tourism
Session 1 Tuesday 6 August, 2013, -