This paper studies the characteristics of the selective invocation in the process of producing homeomorphic equivalents on Human Rights in Buddhism.
Paper long abstract:
The notion of Human Rights has advocated its own universality since emerging in the modern times, though it was originated and formulated in the midst of the Western culture. The universality thus advocated in the notion of Human Rights can be no real universality but a merely postulated one which is open to hermeneutic substantialization by the non-Western cultural traditions.
Both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism have tried to give an ethical foundation to Human Rights. Human Rights has been grounded within Buddhism on the concepts such as "inter-dependent arising", "the four noble truths", "compassion" and "Buddha-nature". These concepts were selected among the Buddhistic doctrines and used to justify Human Rights in terms of Buddhism. It is the selection among the basic doctrines in Buddhism that operates on producing the homeomorphic equivalents in the Buddhistic foundation of Human Rights.