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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download Language and Culture  
Shashwat Jain (Delhi Technological University) Shreya Jain (Dr. H.S.Gour University, Saugor)

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Paper short abstract:

Sometimes we observe that people sharing same culture speak different languages and contrariwise linguistic change is related to changes in other aspects of culture. The vocabulary of a language varies with culture.

Paper long abstract:

Language is a part of culture. It is a capability acquired by man as a member of society. Sometimes we observe that people sharing same culture speak different languages and contrariwise, people whose languages are related may have very different cultures. In India Hindu and Muslim speak almost the related language but both have a very different culture. Similarly other sects of India like Buddhist, Zoroastrian, etc converse in Hindi language but their cultures are different. The Muslim, Hindu and Christian of Keral speak related language but their culture is different. The reverse situation - people speaking different languages but belonging to same culture. The Jain community of Maharashtra speaks Marathi, Jains of Gujarat speaks Gujarati, Jains of Andhra speak Telugu, Jains of Karnatak speak Kannad, while Jains of U.P., M.P., Bihar, and Rajasthan speak Hindi. Thus the entire Jain community of India has the same values of life, same eating habits, customs and traditions and a set disciplined life. Thus linguistic and culture areas denies the preposition that language is part and parcel of the culture tradition.

We have done detail studies of speech communities on ordinary everyday conversational material which include both linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of culture and the ways in which linguistic change may be specifically related to changes in other aspects of culture. As we know, the vocabulary of a language varies in response to cultural change.

Panel BH25
Culture studies
  Session 1 Friday 9 August, 2013, -