The paper will deal with the ways in which NRI and PIO in Germany see and define their identity and their “Indianness” in relation towards their homeland, the majority society of the host nation, and the Indian diaspora. It will also include an assessment of possible identity and loyalty conflicts.
Paper long abstract:
The Indian community in Germany numbers approximately a mere 70,000 people. However, this rather small population group has managed to become a respected and well-integrated, although by no means fully assimilated segment of German society. This paper will deal with the ways in which Non-Resident Indians (NRI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) in Germany see and define their identity and their "Indianness" in relation towards their homeland India, the majority population in the host nation Germany, and the worldwide Indian diaspora. It is going to be an empirical study which will combine a general analysis with qualitative research regarding prominent members of the Indian community in Germany such as politicians, activists, or artists. Particular emphasis will be put on the second and third generations and their struggle to find their place between the Indian cultural heritage of their parents and the demands of a very different majority society in Germany. Furthermore, the paper will also include an assessment of possible identity and loyalty conflicts.